www.goldandstuff.com. 386-679-3113 jewelery artist
www.goldandstuff.com. 386-679-3113 jewelery artist
ocean quartz blue/green stone
white topaz with not extraneous colors just sparkle
a wild color topaz not sure what color to call it
a rare color green amethyst have not set in anything yet still thinking about what to do withit!
ocean quartz 3 stone braclette (this is the replaceable top style )
wild sparking amethyst big stone not set yet still considering what to do with it
London blue topaz this stone went into a into a bracelet along with 3 others to make a large bracelet
really neat kaleidoscope stones so many colors make it really unique... 20thy century stuff.. they laser together differernt stone to get this end product.. really neat!
white topaz with a little bit of a pink flare great stone
white topaz
blue topz
Gold and Stuff
718 Riverside Drive, Holly hill, Florida 32117, United States